I am Nothing
And Nothing is important
Look at Nothing!
Nothing looks at you
Nothing knows
that you are here
domingo, 9 de julio de 2017
lunes, 9 de enero de 2017
Darkness is you
When everything seems to be
dark, it means that darkness is lurking you.
It means that there is no
No escape. Sorry, but there is
any chance to glimpse any ray of light…
… because light doesn’t exist
And that’s not necessary bad.
And that’s not necessary good.
Stop looking for it.
But be aware of the darkness…
or not. It’s your choice.
Darkness is good.
Darkness is bad.
Darkness is anything you want,
but you just don’t know it.
Because darkness is swampy,
cold, tedious, and gloomy.
Sometimes it’s painful, but
not that much. Just a little bit. Enough to make you feel so bad that you wish
to disappear. Or not.
Because darkness is soft,
warm, slow, and peaceful.
Sometimes it’s so comfortable
and fluffy, but not that much. Just enough to make you want to be there
forever. Or not.
Darkness is everything you
Darkness is dark.
Darkness is you.
In case you don’t know.
miƩrcoles, 4 de mayo de 2011
I'm back... and bloodthirsty
... soon, very soon, you will know where I've been those past months, what I've done, what I've been done, who I killed, who killed me...
martes, 24 de marzo de 2009
The day I found, lost, found again and killed the famous Blue Frog with long blond hair and an umbrella.
Nothing special happened that day and that made of it the perfect choice to carry out my plan. I was wondering how to do it, but didn’t really know the reason why I ever wanted to do so. The only thing I was sure about was that THAT same day was THE day. So, I went out of my house with that insane intention, became lost in my own thoughts. “Should or shouldn’t do this?” “Of course, I should. It’s a must. What else could I do?” Nothing could have stopped me, nobody could have prevented me from doing what I had firmly decided to do, even if that thing that I wanted to do wasn’t very “Christian”. But in this strange world of us, unexpected things usually change our plans.
I was wandering a wood, but I can’t remember how I got to that wood, or where it was, or if it ever existed. It’s not easy to live being as intelligent as I am. That day, I just couldn’t stand the weight of my thoughts. I wanted to pound them all, to tear them right off and be free. So, what I’d chosen to do was the right thing to do to end with my torture.
Buuuut, you know, when you’re about to do that thing that I was about to do, you start thinking of what you are going to leave behind and some kind of guilty feeling overcomes you. And I say “guilt feeling” because it is a guilt feeling. I mean, you feel guilty when you do what I had planned to do, and feel guilty because everything will be very dirty after your action and you won’t be there to clean it and clear it, so, it’s quite possible that your mother or any friend has to do that for you. Yeah. That’s bad. It’s bullshit.
Anyway, I decided to be egoist and do what I had thought to do. I prayed a little bit and got on my knees… and… then… that noise interrupted me. For God shake!! Who can concentrate with that noise! I looked around, trying to find out where the noise came from.
- Hey! I am here.
- Who’s speaking? – I asked, scared, because I couldn’t see anyone.
- It’s me, the beautiful Blue Frog with silky long blonde hair.
- Ah, yes, of course! The famous Blue Frog with silky long blonde hair of the woods... yes, yes, who else…
- Yep, the selfsame Blue Frog with silky long blonde hair of the Northen woods.
- Is there anything I could do for you? I’m a little bit busy right now and I don’t have time to lose with you.
- Well… not really… well… yes.
- So?
- Can you see that bush?
-What bush?
- That bush, just behind you, the big one.
-Yes, it’s here. What do you want me to do?
- Could you, please, put your hand in the bush and give me give me the thing that you will find there?
- Why don’t you do that yourself? I mean, put yourself in!
- I can. I’m allergic to that bush.
- Ok… Go… And for the record, I do this because I want you to leave me alone… and because I’m a great person.
I was rummaging about that bush for more than 10 minutes, but couldn’t find anything.
- I’m waaaaiting… - Blue Frog told me in a restless voice.
- Goddammit, I know, I’m doing my best…
- I’m waaaaiting!
- I know, Blue Frog, but I can’t find it…
- Keep on it!! It must be there!!!!! IT MUST BE THERE!!! I need it!
- What am I looking for?
- My umbrella.
- For God shake, Blue Frog, why the hell would you need an umbrella? You’re a frog! You’re supposed to love water.
- Yes, indeed, I love water, but since I have this silky, extremely beautiful blond hair, I have to be very careful with water.
- Oh! Here it is!!!!! I get it!
- Give it to me, give it to me, GIVE IT TO ME NOW! – I gave him the umbrella inmediatly – It’s so beautiful, so useful, so… oh, my hair is saved. It’s going to rain today, did you know it?
- No.
- Didn’t you know that it’s going to rain in an hour?
- No. The sky is clear, it’s sunny and warm. I don’t think it’s going to rain.
- But it is! I know it! Everybody knows it! You, stupid girl… The hole in my ass is cleverer than you. My friends, everyone in my family (even my niece, who is 2 days old), frogs and people that I know only by sight, the baker (who has a profound mental retardation), my parents’ gardener (who’s a borderline person), Sophie’s friend (whose intelligence quotient is 26 and lives in the worst pond you can imagine), all of them are cleverer than you. Well, the thing is that it isn’t that difficult… I mean, anyone… not, anything can be cleverer than you. My fish is cleverer than you. But, the real question is: “is there anyone cleverer than my arsehole?” Of course, there is, but you aren’t that person. In fact, are you a person? In fact, a fact is that you’re a fact, not a person.
- I didn’t know you had a fish.
- Yes, it’s my pet. Wait here.
The frog left me standing there, waiting for him to come with his fish. Firstly, I waited 20 minutes. Then, 2 hours, 2 days, two weeks… and he didn’t come back, so I realized that he had gone forever. After all those days there, without doing anything actually, just waiting, I felt a little bit exhausted and confused. What I was doing there? I mean, how did I get there? And why? I couldn’t remember if I got there to meet the frog or I bumped into him by chance. I didn’t know if I met the frog before, or he was a new friend. Was he a friend?
I decided to look for the frog and clear up all those doubts.
It’s horrible to live with doubts around you. They put themselves into your head quietly and start confusing everything. After a few days in your brain, you don’t know whether the doubts are mere questions without answers or whether the doubts are real problems. I have to find Blue Frog and solve those doubts before they become real problems.
I saw a septic tank , looked in it and asked for the frog. No answer, only my echo, which is not the frog, of course.
I found a hollow trunk and thought the frog was there. I set fire to it, so that the frog got out of there (in case he was there), but he didn’t. Oh, I realized it! I’d killed the frog! I was sure he trapped in there and couldn’t come out. I burst into tears. I didn’t mean to hurt him… Blue Frog was right. I was stupid.
Suddenly, I felt that someone was watching me and I heard an unbearable giggle which came from the tree just behind me. I turned around and there was the frog, staring at me with a huge smile in his froggy-face. His silky blonde hair was in a ponytail.
- Hello, miss Veen, how are you?.
- I’ve been looking for you desperately for the last… for the last… for too long!
- Why for?
- I have doubts and you’re the only one who can help me out with those questions that are killing me. By the way, where is your fish?
- Which fish?
- Your pet.
-My pet?
-Your pet.
- I don’t have a pet.
- You do have a pet. It’s a fish. You told me about it and last time we saw each other, you told me “wait here” and went fetch it, because you wanted to show me your fish.
- I tell you, I don’t have a fish… NO, wait! Yes, you’re right. I have a fish.
- Do you have a fish?
- Yes, it’s my pet.
- What kind of fish?
- It’s a swordfish.
- Wow! A swordfish!
- Do you want to see it?
- Yes, please!
- Wait here.
He disappeared again. And me… alone again, naturally. After six days of not knowing what to do, trying to find the frog, I decided to get on with my life. I had to come back home, because there was nothing more I could do in that wood.
On my way home, I bumped into the frog. It started raining, as the frog said.
- You see? I told you, stupid girl. It’s raining.
- I see. Can I borrow your umbrella?
- No. My beautiful hair might get ruined.
- Where is your fish?
- Which fish?
- Your swordfish.
- I don’t have any swordfish.
Then, I decide to kill him. I hated his silky, long, blonde hair.
I was wandering a wood, but I can’t remember how I got to that wood, or where it was, or if it ever existed. It’s not easy to live being as intelligent as I am. That day, I just couldn’t stand the weight of my thoughts. I wanted to pound them all, to tear them right off and be free. So, what I’d chosen to do was the right thing to do to end with my torture.
Buuuut, you know, when you’re about to do that thing that I was about to do, you start thinking of what you are going to leave behind and some kind of guilty feeling overcomes you. And I say “guilt feeling” because it is a guilt feeling. I mean, you feel guilty when you do what I had planned to do, and feel guilty because everything will be very dirty after your action and you won’t be there to clean it and clear it, so, it’s quite possible that your mother or any friend has to do that for you. Yeah. That’s bad. It’s bullshit.
Anyway, I decided to be egoist and do what I had thought to do. I prayed a little bit and got on my knees… and… then… that noise interrupted me. For God shake!! Who can concentrate with that noise! I looked around, trying to find out where the noise came from.
- Hey! I am here.
- Who’s speaking? – I asked, scared, because I couldn’t see anyone.
- It’s me, the beautiful Blue Frog with silky long blonde hair.

- Ah, yes, of course! The famous Blue Frog with silky long blonde hair of the woods... yes, yes, who else…
- Yep, the selfsame Blue Frog with silky long blonde hair of the Northen woods.
- Is there anything I could do for you? I’m a little bit busy right now and I don’t have time to lose with you.
- Well… not really… well… yes.
- So?
- Can you see that bush?
-What bush?
- That bush, just behind you, the big one.
-Yes, it’s here. What do you want me to do?
- Could you, please, put your hand in the bush and give me give me the thing that you will find there?
- Why don’t you do that yourself? I mean, put yourself in!
- I can. I’m allergic to that bush.
- Ok… Go… And for the record, I do this because I want you to leave me alone… and because I’m a great person.
I was rummaging about that bush for more than 10 minutes, but couldn’t find anything.
- I’m waaaaiting… - Blue Frog told me in a restless voice.
- Goddammit, I know, I’m doing my best…
- I’m waaaaiting!
- I know, Blue Frog, but I can’t find it…
- Keep on it!! It must be there!!!!! IT MUST BE THERE!!! I need it!
- What am I looking for?
- My umbrella.
- For God shake, Blue Frog, why the hell would you need an umbrella? You’re a frog! You’re supposed to love water.
- Yes, indeed, I love water, but since I have this silky, extremely beautiful blond hair, I have to be very careful with water.
- Oh! Here it is!!!!! I get it!
- Give it to me, give it to me, GIVE IT TO ME NOW! – I gave him the umbrella inmediatly – It’s so beautiful, so useful, so… oh, my hair is saved. It’s going to rain today, did you know it?
- No.
- Didn’t you know that it’s going to rain in an hour?
- No. The sky is clear, it’s sunny and warm. I don’t think it’s going to rain.
- But it is! I know it! Everybody knows it! You, stupid girl… The hole in my ass is cleverer than you. My friends, everyone in my family (even my niece, who is 2 days old), frogs and people that I know only by sight, the baker (who has a profound mental retardation), my parents’ gardener (who’s a borderline person), Sophie’s friend (whose intelligence quotient is 26 and lives in the worst pond you can imagine), all of them are cleverer than you. Well, the thing is that it isn’t that difficult… I mean, anyone… not, anything can be cleverer than you. My fish is cleverer than you. But, the real question is: “is there anyone cleverer than my arsehole?” Of course, there is, but you aren’t that person. In fact, are you a person? In fact, a fact is that you’re a fact, not a person.
- I didn’t know you had a fish.
- Yes, it’s my pet. Wait here.
The frog left me standing there, waiting for him to come with his fish. Firstly, I waited 20 minutes. Then, 2 hours, 2 days, two weeks… and he didn’t come back, so I realized that he had gone forever. After all those days there, without doing anything actually, just waiting, I felt a little bit exhausted and confused. What I was doing there? I mean, how did I get there? And why? I couldn’t remember if I got there to meet the frog or I bumped into him by chance. I didn’t know if I met the frog before, or he was a new friend. Was he a friend?
I decided to look for the frog and clear up all those doubts.
It’s horrible to live with doubts around you. They put themselves into your head quietly and start confusing everything. After a few days in your brain, you don’t know whether the doubts are mere questions without answers or whether the doubts are real problems. I have to find Blue Frog and solve those doubts before they become real problems.
I saw a septic tank , looked in it and asked for the frog. No answer, only my echo, which is not the frog, of course.
I found a hollow trunk and thought the frog was there. I set fire to it, so that the frog got out of there (in case he was there), but he didn’t. Oh, I realized it! I’d killed the frog! I was sure he trapped in there and couldn’t come out. I burst into tears. I didn’t mean to hurt him… Blue Frog was right. I was stupid.
Suddenly, I felt that someone was watching me and I heard an unbearable giggle which came from the tree just behind me. I turned around and there was the frog, staring at me with a huge smile in his froggy-face. His silky blonde hair was in a ponytail.
- Hello, miss Veen, how are you?.
- I’ve been looking for you desperately for the last… for the last… for too long!
- Why for?
- I have doubts and you’re the only one who can help me out with those questions that are killing me. By the way, where is your fish?
- Which fish?
- Your pet.
-My pet?
-Your pet.
- I don’t have a pet.
- You do have a pet. It’s a fish. You told me about it and last time we saw each other, you told me “wait here” and went fetch it, because you wanted to show me your fish.
- I tell you, I don’t have a fish… NO, wait! Yes, you’re right. I have a fish.
- Do you have a fish?
- Yes, it’s my pet.
- What kind of fish?
- It’s a swordfish.
- Wow! A swordfish!
- Do you want to see it?
- Yes, please!
- Wait here.
He disappeared again. And me… alone again, naturally. After six days of not knowing what to do, trying to find the frog, I decided to get on with my life. I had to come back home, because there was nothing more I could do in that wood.
On my way home, I bumped into the frog. It started raining, as the frog said.
- You see? I told you, stupid girl. It’s raining.
- I see. Can I borrow your umbrella?
- No. My beautiful hair might get ruined.
- Where is your fish?
- Which fish?
- Your swordfish.
- I don’t have any swordfish.
Then, I decide to kill him. I hated his silky, long, blonde hair.
martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008
I took the wrong direction and I got lost. I thought I would die alone, in the middle of the darkness in that gloomy wood. So many things still to create and destroy, so young, so beautiful, so dead... To welcome Mr. Death and Mr. Devil and get ready to get drag to the deepest confines of the Earth, I took my clothes off and lied down on the ground. I need to tell that the ground was pretty warm, soft and comfortable. I could have stayed there for the rest of my life, thinking about all the pain I may have caused, but Mr. Devil come to me to take with him.
- Hey, M. Veen! Your time has come - he said, with a very dark and scary voice.
- Oh, yes. I was waiting for you. How are you doing, Mr. Devil?
- I'm fine, thanks.
- You look great, Mr. Devil. The red of your skin is very beautiful and shiny.
- Thanks... call me Dev...
- Ok, Dev. Shall we go?
- Follow me. Why are you naked?
- I though I wouldn't need any clothes in Hell.
- That's true, it's veeery hot there, but the rest of the people might think that you're a horny...
- In fact, I'm horny.
- You're soooo hot... I want you madly since the first time I saw you, 1 minute ago...
- Mr. Death!!!!!! Come here right now!
When Mr. Death appeared, a great roar filled the wood. You can't image how sexy Mr. Death was, so dark, so dead, with that beautiful golden scythe...
- For God shake! Dev, you can't do anything on your onw or what!!??!!
- M. Veen is hounding me...- he whispered in Mr. Death's ear.
- Come on, Dev...
- Miss Veen, may I introduce myself?- silence- My name is Mr. Death.
- Pleased to meet you. Can I call you De?
- No.
- Ok...
- Mr. Devil and ...
- Dev... - I said.
- Mr. Devil and I are here because you're about to die. This is not a game and we're not single. Mr. Devil got married two months ago to a white stone and I'm gay, so, please, don't try anything else with us...
- Ok, I will try not to fell in love with you...
domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008
"Little, dirty things" - a song for miserable people.
There are little, dirty things in my head,
very little, very dirty.
The more I fight against them,
the more they grow,
very little, very dirty, very strong.
There are little, dirty things around me,
very little, very dirty.
The more I fight against them,
the more they grow,
very little, very dirty, very strong.
I’m not going to fight anymore,
I won’t win
I’m a loser
I'm nothing
There are little, dirty things in my life,
I won’t defeat them.
They will kill me.
Maybe I deserve what I have.
There are little, dirty things in my heart,
very little, very dirty.
The more I fight against them,
the more they break my soul.
There are loads of little, dirty things in me.
Very beautiful indeed.
very little, very dirty.
The more I fight against them,
the more they grow,
very little, very dirty, very strong.
There are little, dirty things around me,
very little, very dirty.
The more I fight against them,
the more they grow,
very little, very dirty, very strong.
I’m not going to fight anymore,
I won’t win
I’m a loser
I'm nothing
There are little, dirty things in my life,
I won’t defeat them.
They will kill me.
Maybe I deserve what I have.
There are little, dirty things in my heart,
very little, very dirty.
The more I fight against them,
the more they break my soul.
There are loads of little, dirty things in me.
Very beautiful indeed.
viernes, 8 de agosto de 2008

I did it because I felt very sad and lonely. Yes, I know I had my red marble, but I started to have some deep and mystic feelings and thoughts about the reasons which led me to leave my wonderful boyfriend and start a new life with a red marble. My red marble was good in bed, but, well... a red marble is very limited... poor imagination... null experimentation. He, the marble, was quite quiet, but it was ok (“I like you when you’re quiet, because you’re kind of distracted, and you hear me from the distance, and my voice doesn’t touch you” as Neruda would say). He was great at listening, but pretty bad at conversations. In fact, conversations didn’t exist in our relationship. So, we decided, by mutual agreement, to break up. “I have nothing to share with you; you have nothing to share with me”.
And here it comes my confession: I resorted to a web for singles to find a couple.
And here it comes my confession: I resorted to a web for singles to find a couple.
So sorry. I feel that I hit bottom, but I needet it and I did it. I didn’t konw exactly wha
t I was looking for. The only thing I knew I wanted from a man was that he should be able to keep an interesting conversation about deep and mystic things, like the colour of the sea and the sky, or why people don’t accept that they’re insignificant, because the only great thing in the world is the world itself, and we’re not naturally part of the world because we invaded it; it can’t pass its magnificient status on us because we’re bad, we invaded the world when the world lived very paceful... we broke its peace. It won’t forgive us for that, and we won’t redeem... because we don’t have any other place to go. The thing is that I’ve found someone at that page.

I think he’s just sad.
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